Legal Notice

In compliance with the information requirements enshrined in Law 34/2002 of 11 July, the Spanish Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services Act (known by its Spanish initials as LSSICE), the details below refer to the owner of (hereinafter, the WEBSITE).

Identification details es is the registered domain name of EMPTY SL (hereinafter, EMPTY), recorded in the Madrid Trade Registry, Volume 1205, Folio 153, Page No. M-22810, Entry 1.

REGISTERED ADDRESS: Calle de Linneo, 3 (Puerta Calle) – 28005 Madrid
TELEPHONE: +34 91 364 37 40


User responsibility

Every person who accesses this website assumes the role of USER and undertakes to use the WEBSITE and its contents in accordance with the law, morality and public order, and in general pursuant to the terms and conditions established by EMPTY. The opinions, contents and in general all activities performed by the USER remain their exclusive responsibility. EMPTY assumes no responsibility for any damages arising from activities over which it has no control and about which it has no effective knowledge.


Company responsibility

EMPTY assumes no responsibility for any errors in accessing the WEBSITE and its contents, although it will make every effort to avoid them. EMPTY reserves the right to suspend access to the WEBSITE temporarily and without prior notice to carry out maintenance, repairs, updates or improvements to the service.


Intellectual and industrial property

All the WEBSITE contents (including, but not limited to, databases, images, drawings, graphics, text files, audio files, videos and software) are owned by EMPTY and are protected by national and international rules regarding intellectual and industrial property, with all rights reserved.

The domain name, brands, labels, distinctive signs and logos that appear on the WEBSITE are owned by EMPTY. All the texts, drawings, graphics, videos and audio supports that may appear on this WEBSITE currently or in the future are owned by EMPTY, which therefore prohibits: The reproduction, distribution or modification of the aforementioned contents, unless authorised by EMPTY or legally permitted.

Any violation of EMPTY’s rights or those of the lawful owners of the aforementioned contents. Use of the aforementioned contents for commercial or advertising purposes, other than those strictly permitted.

All attempts to obtain the contents of the WEBSITE through any means other than those made available to USERS and those which are habitually used on the world wide web.


The creation of hyperlinks from a different website to the pages of the EMPTY WEBSITE is subject to the following terms and conditions:

The reproduction of any or all of the services provided on the WEBSITE is prohibited. Web pages that include hyperlinks to this WEBSITE may not contain any brands, commercial names, labels, registered names, logos, slogans or any other distinctive signs owned by EMPTY.

Under no circumstances does EMPTY assume any responsibility for the contents, information, statements, opinions or services offered to the public on any external website that includes a hyperlink to this WEBSITE. All hyperlinks will be to the home page of this WEBSITE.

The hyperlinks that appear on this WEBSITE have been previously agreed with the owners of the web pages linked. EMPTY assumes no responsibility for improper use or any activities contravening the law, morality public order that are performed by the user of those linked pages.



The terms and conditions of use of this WEBSITE shall be valid for an indefinite period. In any case EMPTY reserves the unilateral right to change the terms and conditions of access as well as the contents.


Null and void clauses

If any clause included in these terms and conditions is declared null and void, either partly or wholly, this shall only affect the stipulation, or the part of the stipulation in question, and all the other terms and conditions shall remain enforceable.


Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

The provision of this WEBSITE service and the terms and conditions which govern it are subject to Spanish law.

Any disputes regarding the services provided through this WEBSITE or the activities undertaken within it shall be settled through the consumer arbitration courts, mediators or similar that govern EMPTY at the time the controversy arises, and through the corresponding courts pursuant to Spanish legislation.